BIG BAM Bike Ride Operators Needed
Just finished up with the Region H & B MACC exercise for the Big Bam bike ride coming up next month. 3 operators from the area were there to participate. It was a great success and we learned a lot about what our role will be for this event.
First of all thank you to WD6BGN and K9PDQ for their help. The event coordinators will very pleased with what we were able to accomplish.
We are looking for more operators for the event especially those with APRS capabilities. This event starts in Saint Joseph and ends in Hannibal. This is a multi day multi county event so the more help we can get the better our support for our communities we can provide.
If you are available to help reply to KC0GP at (gpease3 at aol dot com)
The website for the event is for dates and times and maps.
We have frequencies already in place and locations are coming together so the more operators we have the more location we can cover.