September Meeting
September 12th, 2010 | Minutes | 1 Comment
11 Sep 2010 – NW MO ARES Group
Introduction (Large Group)
Will be building Tiny Track 4 kits today, 4 of them. Also have reflective vests. $25 to buy one, $5 extra to have call sign added.
I.D. badges will be coming in this week. $10 each, reimburse Blair for the badges.
Tossing around idea to get some T-shirts for the group for the hamfest. Polo style shirts. ARRL symbol on one side, NWMOARES written around ARRL symbol. Also call sign and possibly name. $20-$25 per shirt, still estimated. Artwork has been sent off. Should be ready Friday evening, if sizes are available. George will prepay. May need someone to pick up the shirts.
New membership form on the website. Includes a couple paragraph boxes for general information.
Those that do the nets, changed net preamble to include the codes for linking the repeaters.
Last month at Bethany, rickety stairs, George took a fall. New hams need some training up there. Fairfax hospital is down until new hospital finished. Then will have all corners of Region H with radios.
Gasoline bill on truck? Son in law's truck needed $80 in fuel. NJ0Z motion and second by KD0JVR to reimburse for full amount. Passed unanimous.
Banners $110. Move to reimburse ZJK $55 for banners. Motion (KD0JVR) second NJ0Z. Passed unanimous.
Next Friday will be able to start setup at 6PM. Same location as last year. Assist with table/chair setup would be nice. Layout will be different this year. Tom will discuss needs for hamfest.
Tom – 12 confirmed tables (people sent money) another 15 or so vendor tables. Looks a lot better than last year. This year its definitely going on. Even people from S. Minnesota. Bill will take care of donuts. Our group will do coffee. Big Daddy's will set up a tent outside for food. He'll provide fountain drinks. We should provide bottled water and possibly bottled tea. More people Friday night would be nice. Reserved 2 guys for special needs. Lot of table moving, because the layout will be different this year. Get as many tables as possible out there. This will not happen at that location next year, building not worth $800 for a single event (cost going up again).
NJ0Z – Exhibition Center down off Stockyards Expressway?
W0FCE – Hotel downtown?
WA0RTU – Start looking around now for new location, please. Maybe Plattsburg School? Everyone keep an eye out.
JVR – Have a community center 4000 sq ft in Lathrop, two floors for 8000 sq ft.
Further discussion of location options.
Tickets are ready as well. George NJ0Z will get/build a ticket tumbler.
Everything else is ready to go.
Charger boards out of exit lights, free to those that want.