Archive for the ‘Random’ Category

Just a random post

February 4th, 2012 | Random | 0 Comments

Tower number 3 at my place.

Wonder what would happen if I ran coax under the road and into the house?

This was my son and I's project today.

I will not post the comments I have received LOCALLY!!!

NWMO ARES Group on Facebook

August 9th, 2011 | Random | 0 Comments

Northwest Missouri ARES Group now has a facebook page. Please be sure check it out.  Just search for Northwest Missouri ARES on facebook, and it will appear.

Website Updates

April 12th, 2010 | Random | 0 Comments

Some more additions have been made to the site


  • Login page structure has been changed, with a member's page replacing the login link in the menu bar.  This page is accesibe to verified members of the group only, and contains information useful for group members. The login section has been moved to the sidebar. After you login, you have easy access to your dashboard and wordpress profile. Note that your wordpress profile and forums profile are seperate. Adjustments to your forum profile must be made from the forums page.
  • The webpage now renders well on smartphones, with a special layout and structure just for these devices.
  • The forums page is now a single column, making the forums much more readable..
  • All pages served to people who are not logged in are now cached, speeding up the site, and reducing server overhead.

I still have plenty left to do, so stay tuned for more changes.




New Site Features

April 9th, 2010 | Random | 0 Comments

The new site is up and running well. 

Registration / Login Instructions

In order to be able to use the forums, you must register.  You can do this either by clicking the log in link in the top right corner of the page, or clicking on the forums link, then the register link on the top of the forums.  In order to register, you must have a valid email address, as a random password will be emailed to you when you register.  Also, I have recaptcha installed to hopefully prevent any bots from being able to register.

Once you are registered, you can login via the login link at the top right, or the login link at the top of the forums.


NWMOARES.ORG email available

I have setup google apps for our domain,  This allows each member to have an email address.


Ongoing Changes

I anticipate making further changes to the appearance of the site, as well as enabling additional functions.  I do not anticipate making any further drastic changes to the forums or the other main components fo the site save for minor tweaks to increase readability and things of that nature.  If you find something that you feel should be changed, please let me know about it. If you find something that doesn't work as it should, or is broken, let me know about it.  I will start a forum thread related to the site changes to let you all voice your opinion about what you like and what you think stinks.



New Webpage

April 8th, 2010 | Random | 0 Comments

If you are reading this, you have found our new webpage.  Forums will be up shortly. Forums are up and running.
