Walk for HD
Thanks to WU0G, N0MIJ, KC0GP, KG0CX, KD0OPH for helping with the event this year. We had a successful event with only 1 call for a lost walker. I suggested a couple ideas for next years event to the coordinators and they look forward to working with us again next year. (Approx. 24 man hours)
Missouri Days
Thanks to WU0G, KC0NOX, KB0RPJ, AC0OK for their help for this event. APRS was used to track operators as they traveled around the fairgrounds. 4 calls for assistance were handled and new plans were made for next years event. (Approx. 40 man hours.)
Here is the flyer for the walk this year. Our group has provided communications for this event over the past 6 years and look forward to assisting again this year. If you are available to help please contact kc0qlu@nwmoares.org. You don’t have to be a member of the group to assist or even have a ham license. This is a great way to get your feet wet in communications support.
Reminder that the NWMO ARES® Group will have it’s meeting on August 10th 9 am at the Cameron Police Department. This month we will have a guest speaker, Maxine Thompson, talk to us about her experiences as a ham operator and a member of the “YL Society”. Maxine came by our Field Day setup this year with her call logs and pamphlet on the “YL Society” and told us about her Field Day experiences using Boat Anchor radios for their setup.
Everyone is invited to attend, and as always our meetings are open to the public and other amateur radio groups.
WD0BC, KC0NOX, WU0G, KG0CX and KC0QLU enjoyed a nice outtting at Wallace State Park in Cameron, MO. 3 stations were setup. 2 QRP portable stations and 1 mobile setup. WINLINK email was sent and received by WU0G, and several conacts were made witht he QRP stations. The best contact for the day was made by WD0BC on his Elecraft K3 and his ALEXLOOP antenna into Slovania using 10W.
Fun was had by all!!!