Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Severe Weather Awareness Day Saint Joseph, MO 3-23-13

March 23rd, 2013 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments

Several local hams manned the booth at the Event.

Several local hams manned the booth at the Event.

Monthly Meeting Saturday 9am

March 6th, 2013 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments

The groups monthly meeting is this Saturday 9am at the Cameron PD. Please remember to park accross the street in the gravel lot so we don’t interfere with Emergency Services.

NWS Storm Spotter Class Tonight 7pm

February 27th, 2013 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments

The NWS Storm Spotter class is still on for tonight. This is Clinton county’s year to host th class. It is at the Plattsburg High School Performing Arts Center 800 W. Frost St. Plattsburg, MO. Clinton County EMA will be giving away a Weather Radio and our group will be assisting with programming weather radios for the public. Starting time is 7pm, set up at 6:30p.

CUSE Drill 2-19-2013

February 24th, 2013 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments

KC0QLU shows Clinton County Commissioner how WINLINK® works to send email using no local internet connection.

KC0QLU shows Clinton County Commissioner how WINLINK® works to send email using no local internet connection.

WINLINK® Test Feb. 19th 10a-Noon

February 18th, 2013 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments

Members of the NWMO ARES, Caldwell ARES and Livingston ARES groups will participating in a statewide drill based on an Earthquake happening somewhere in the state. The purpose of the drill is to test the abilities of ARES groups setting up in an open area and sending emails to the state EOC using nothing more than their radios and portable antennas using WINLINK email. This system allows ham radio operators to send emails over the air with no local internet.

Here is a run down of what types of stations that are going to be setup and locations:

1. WU0G will be set up at the EOC in Chillicothe which is located at the Chillicothe Fire Department. The EOC is just getting started so Mike will be setting up a temporary station in the parking lot using RMS Express on HF.
2. KG0CX is setting up at his home QTH in Kingston and is going to be setting up a temporary station using VHF thru the gateway in Kearney using an 11 element beam for his antenna. The Node is N0VX-10 on 145.070
3. KC0GP will be in Faucett, MO set up in his mobile using RMS Express on HF.
4. KC0QLU and NF0L will be set up on the North side of the Clinton County courthouse in downtown Plattsburg using RMS Express on HF.

For anyone wanting to learn more about this mode or to just come out and support these stations please feel free to stop by and check it out. We will be at these locations for the full 2 hours and we may try to send some PEER to PEER messages between the HF stations for practice. We will use the repeater link system to provide local communications for support and coordination. The Plattsburg, Osborn and Kingston repeaters will be linked for the event.

Monthly Meeting Feb. 9th.

February 7th, 2013 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments

The monthly meeting of the NWMO ARES® Group is this Saturday 9am at the Cameron Police Department in Cameron, MO. Everyone is invited to attend. This month we will be going over our severe weather guidelines and weather nets. The new radios that the group purchased will be there along with the programming cables we purchased for everyone to see. Hope to see you there.

Birthday Boy Hits 40… Danger of Fire, Candles Reduced

January 13th, 2013 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments



20130113_152239_resizedA nice group was at Trevor’s surprise 40th birthday and a good time was had by all. A couple of unique birthday cakes were provided and pictures of the aforementioned cakes are included. It was a complete surprise for Trevor and paramedics were on placed on standby in case his old ticker had problems caused by the shock and surprise. Trevor works hard to organize, lead, plan, and maintain the activities and reporting for the Area H group and we should all tell him thanks and give him a gentle pat on the back in fear of damaging old brittle bones. Thanks bud for all you do.

January 12th 2013 Meeting

January 10th, 2013 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments

The monthly meeting for the NWMO ARES Group is this Saturday January 12th at 9am at the Cameron Public Safety building. The group will be electing officers and deciding what we want to accomplish over the next year. Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to attend. Membership dues of $20 are due for the next year. These dues are used to support the repaeters in the area and to enhance the amateur radio response in the NWMO area by updating and improving equipment to support our communities.

Hope to see you there!

December Meeting Change

December 2nd, 2012 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments

The regular meeting time for December 8th is changing time and location for our yearly Christmas get together. It will be held at the Plain Jane Cafe in Stewartsville, MO at 7 pm. Everyone is welcomed to attend for good food and fellowship. Hope to see you there. Questions to kc0qlu at nwmoares dot org.

Monthly Meeting Saturday Nov. 10th 9 am.

November 4th, 2012 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments

The monthly meeting of the NWMO ARES Group is this coming Saturday Nov. 10th at the Cameron Public Safety building. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please be sure to park across the street in the gravel lot so we don’t hinder EMS from getting to the building for emergency calls.