Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

HCCH gets New HF Antenna

June 6th, 2012 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments

WK0Q and KC0QLU installed the Tarheel 300A HF antenna on the Harrison County Community Hospital in Bethany, MO on 6-5-2012. The hospitals amateur radio station is now HF capable. Plans are to add a computer to the station to allow digital work as well.

Monthly Meeting June 9th 2012

June 2nd, 2012 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments

The NWMO ARES® Group meeting is this coming Saturday at the Cameron PD meeting room at 9am. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend. We will be discussing Field Day plans and our upcoming hamfest.

Missouri Valley Amateur Radio Club

January 26th, 2012 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments

FEBRUARY M.V.A.R.C. meeting scheduled for MONDAY the 6Th. at the Red Cross. Plans will be finalized for FEB 29Th. SPECIAL EVENT. We will be ON THE AIR for special LEAP DAY event from 7 to 9 pm. We will plan on some good operating, good conversation and some snacks. This would be a great time to bring prospective hams to an event. Plan to be at this meeting and bring another… Special program will be “BOAT ANCHORS”.

Monthly Meeting January 14th

January 8th, 2012 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments

The NWMO ARES ® Groups monthly meeting is Saturday January 14th 9am at the Cameron Public Safety building. Officer elections, meeting programs, and NWS Storm Spotter training will be discussed.

EVERYONE IS INVITED TO ATTEND You don’t have to be a member or a “HAM” to attend!

Happy New Year!

December 31st, 2011 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments

Wishing everyone a Safe and Happy New Year!

SKN is tonight. Ring in the New Year with CW!

Info at

Christmas Party/ Potluck Saturday Dec. 10th

December 4th, 2011 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments

The NWMO ARES® Group will have its annual party/potluck at 6pm at the Cameron Public Safety building Saturday Dec. 10th. All guests are asked to bring a side dish and table service. Main entree and drinks will be provided.

Turney Event a Huge Success!

November 26th, 2011 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments






16 "HAMS" operated from the Turney Depot Saturday Nov. 19th 2011. Over 25 contacts were made over the 3 hour event. CW, SSB were used to make those contacts. 2 100W stations and 1 5W station were setup inside the depot all using temporary antennas strung up around the lot and verticals put in the ground. Everyone had a great time and the generators got a good workout as well. The Mo Valley ARC sponsored the event  and the NWMO ARES® Group was invited to participate as well. Look for more of these events in the future to help get the word out about Ham Raio and to help prepare for next years Field Day!

Plattsburg Repeater now linked to NWMO 440 System

November 17th, 2011 | Uncategorized | 2 Comments

The Plattsburg repeater (146.895- pl 114.8) is now linked to the 440 system in all of NWMO. The 440 system has repeaters in Saint Jo, Rockport, Bethany, Leavenworth KS and Marceline. ECHOLINK is also available, look for node KC0QLU-R.

The NWMO ARES® Group has a weekly net every Sunday evening at 8pm so feel free to check-in using any of the NWMO repeaters. We are also working on getting the hospital stations on the net as well in Fairfax, Bethany, Cameron, and Saint Jo along with the Cameron EOC. There is plenty of work to be done in Region H so feel free to jump in and help promote and establish an ARES® presence in NWMO.

If you have any questions about the link system or how you can assist us with the hospital stations or ARES in general feel free to contact me.
The list of frequencies can be found at look under the frequency tab..


Reminder Monthly meeting is Nov. 12th

November 3rd, 2011 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments

Monthly meeting is this Saturday Nov. 12th 9am at the Cameron Public Safety building Cameron, MO. After the meeting members will be going to Bethany, MO to visit with new hams and hospital staff at the Harrison County Community Hospital about the ham station installed by the group for Emergency Communications.

Fall Field Day?!

October 16th, 2011 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments

WD0BC Bill from St. Joe and others from the area will be setting up a ham radio station or stations Field Day style at the old depot in Turney, MO November 19th 9am to 12pm. Everyone is welcomed to setup theirs as well and enjoy a few hours talking on and about radio! Don't want to bring yours then just stop by for the fun of it! More info to follow.