January Meeting Notes

Here is a recap from WA1SER of what was discussed at the meeting Jan. 9th 2016

At the NWMOARES meeting today Trevor (kc0qlu) and I did a FSQ/Fldigi demo for the group.
Trevor had his FT-817 connected to a SignaLink to his laptop running Fldigi and FSQcall, this station was called kc0qlu.
I had a UV5R connected to a SignaLink to a raspberry Pi running Fldigi, this station was called wa1ser/p (portable).
At my home QTH, about .4 miles from the meeting site, I had a FT-991 connected to a laptop running FSQcall, this station was called wa1ser/b (base).
Both stations, kc0qlu and wa1ser/p, were able to contact each other and wa1ser/b. Both stations were able to contact w0oem, in KC, by relaying through wa1ser/b. A successful multi-hop connection was made from kc0qlu to wa1ser/p to wa1ser/b to w0oem and back. The group then discussed FSQcall, Fldigi, Flmsg, Flwrap, Flarq, NBEMS, EMCOMM and the progress that FSQCALL-KC has made in this area.

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