As most of you know, Field Day is this weekend. The Group has elected to operate as a low power, emergency power only station this year to up the fun factor. As always, we will be using the fdlog wireless logging software. I am going to upload a current copy of this software below.
In order to use fdlog, you must also have python installed on you computer. Python for windows is available at:
FDLog is available for download here: fdlog After downloading, unzip the folder. You can then run fdlog within the folder. It will only run if you have python installed.
I will be bringing a wireless access point that will allow us to all network together. I hope to have a high power client to allow us to network into a nearby wireless network for internet access. Everyone feel free to bring their laptops for logging use. If you plan on using your laptop for operation of a radio, such as digital mode or sdr, it must not be run off of mains or generator power. Please plan accordingly.
We plan on getting there between 9 and 10 on Saturday. I look forward to seeing you all there.
The NWMO ARES® Group meeting is this coming Saturday at the Cameron PD meeting room at 9am. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend. We will be discussing Field Day plans and our upcoming hamfest.
There has been a lot of interest in CW and CW practice within the group. Here are some online resource that I have found and have used to work on my CW proficiency (or lack thereof):
Learn CW Online:
This is a free website that features an entire koch-method course, as well as practice qso's word groups, random groups, callsign training. You can download mp3 practice files to put on your mp3 player as well. The site keeps stats that visualize your progress. It is a very effective tool. It is free to use.
G4FON koch trainer:
This is a piece of software that runs on windows that utilizes the Koch method of teach CW. The koch method emphasis learning code at a usefull speed, where the mind recognizes the entire sound of a character instead of breaking it into dits and dahs. The makes learning code much faster and easier, without the speed plateus that are encountered when learning code at slow speed, and then trying to speed up.
Use of these tools, along with on-air practice sessions can help develop your CW skill quickly.
Post other resource you are aware of as comments to this post.
The NWMO ARES Group meeting is this Saturday 9am at the Cameron Public Safety building. Several items to discuss. This month’s program is “Bring your Project” day. Do you have an interesting project you’re working on or have completed and want to show it off or have a question? Bring it in !
FEBRUARY M.V.A.R.C. meeting scheduled for MONDAY the 6Th. at the Red Cross. Plans will be finalized for FEB 29Th. SPECIAL EVENT. We will be ON THE AIR for special LEAP DAY event from 7 to 9 pm. We will plan on some good operating, good conversation and some snacks. This would be a great time to bring prospective hams to an event. Plan to be at this meeting and bring another… Special program will be “BOAT ANCHORS”.
The NWMO ARES ® Groups monthly meeting is Saturday January 14th 9am at the Cameron Public Safety building. Officer elections, meeting programs, and NWS Storm Spotter training will be discussed.
EVERYONE IS INVITED TO ATTEND You don’t have to be a member or a “HAM” to attend!
Wishing everyone a Safe and Happy New Year!
SKN is tonight. Ring in the New Year with CW!
Info at