NWMO ARES Group on Facebook

August 9th, 2011 | Random | 0 Comments

Northwest Missouri ARES Group now has a facebook page. Please be sure check it out.  Just search for Northwest Missouri ARES on facebook, and it will appear.

August Business Mtg. Saturday 9am

August 8th, 2011 | Emergency Communication | 0 Comments

Reminder that the monthly business meeting is this Saturday 9am at the
Cameron Public Safety Building in Cameron, MO. Everyone is welcome, we
have alot to discuss(hamfest, secretary position, insurance, ECHOLINK,
Region net, Hospital projects, etc.) Also there have been a couple
ARES® appointments in region H as well.

Hope to see you there!

Field Day Log

July 9th, 2011 | Field Day | 0 Comments


Field Day log is posted below
Timestamp         Bnd     Call                          Cls  Location                                                         Pwr Opr     Lgr           Nmbr Node
26.1600   20p k3mjw      4e pa                       5 rs  tb    82 kc0qlu
26.1600   20p w6ara      4a ca                       5 rs  tb    81 kc0qlu
26.1603   20p w5ct       1e tx                       5 rs  tb    94 kc0qlu
26.1603   20p k5tyr      2a tx                       5 rs  tb    92 kc0qlu
26.1601   20p kf5cso     1d tx                       5 rs  tb    86 kc0qlu
26.1556   20p k4gso      5d fl                       5 rs  tb    65 kc0qlu
26.1559   20p wa6khk     1a ca                       5 rs  tb    78 kc0qlu
26.1558   20p kc7z       5a wa                       5 rs  tb    73 kc0qlu
26.1558   20p n6ipd      2a ca                       5 rs  tb    71 kc0qlu
26.1559   20p k6son      2a ca                       5 rs  tb    76 kc0qlu
26.1558   20p n6jw       1d ca                       5 rs  tb    75 kc0qlu
26.0408   20p n7tt       1d wa                    100n ph  ch     8 kc0zyw
26.1604   10p w5l        2f tx                     100 rs  tb   117 kc0qlu
26.1604   10p w5l        2f tx                     100 rs  tb   118 kc0qlu
25.1942   15p tbw4doc    5a ga                       5 tb  tb     3 kc0qlu
25.1950   15p n4fr       3f tn                       5 tb  tb     4 kc0qlu
25.1954   15p kn4bi      1d ga                       5 tb  tb     5 kc0qlu
25.2009   15p n3nia      4a wpa                      5 tb  tb     7 kc0qlu
25.2009   15p w4dxa      3e sc                       5 tb  tb     6 kc0qlu
25.2020   15p nk5o       1d ntx                      5 tb  tb     9 kc0qlu
25.2020   15p wc9ar      2a in                       5 tb  tb     8 kc0qlu
25.2022   15p w9ne       8a il                       5 tb  tb    10 kc0qlu
25.2041   15p k5fd       2a wtx                      5 tb  tb    11 kc0qlu
25.2121   15p k4msu      2f ky                       5 tb  tb    12 kc0qlu
25.2121   15p w3oc       1a wpa                      5 tb  tb    13 kc0qlu
25.2122   15p k4nrc      3a ga                       5 tb  tb    15 kc0qlu
25.2122   15p n9nx       1a wi                       5 tb  tb    14 kc0qlu
25.2132   15p w4ug       5a va                       5 tb  tb    16 kc0qlu
25.2135   15p kf4gdx     1e sc                       5 tb  tb    17 kc0qlu
25.2357   15p n4vg       1a al                       5 tb  tb    19 kc0qlu
26.0005   15p n4gas      3a nc                       5 tb  tb    20 kc0qlu
26.0015   15p wr4y       1f al                       5 tb  tb    21 kc0qlu
26.0021   15p ac5o       1d la                       5 tb  tb    22 kc0qlu
26.0032   15p kd0lqh     1d ia                       5 tb  tb    23 kc0qlu
26.0038   20p w4shl      3f al                    100n ph  ch     3 kc0zyw
26.0042   40p w9lo       5a wi                      5n bs  bs     3 kd0afl
26.0043   40p w8fy       4f oh                      5n bs  bs     4 kd0afl
26.0054   15p k0ea       1d mn                       5 tb  tb    24 kc0qlu
26.0057    6p na4k       3a tn                       5 tb  tb    27 kc0qlu
26.0103    6p k5mdx      3a ms                       5 tb  tb    28 kc0qlu
26.0109   20d va3mjr     1d on                      5n bs  bs     7 kd0afl
26.0135   20p n8sl       3a mi                    100n ph  ch     4 kc0zyw
26.0137   10p kt5j       1d stx                      5 tb  tb    29 kc0qlu
26.0143   20d kx9m       3a tn                      5n bs  bs     8 kd0afl
26.0148   20d n4svc      5a nfl                    50n bs  bs     9 kd0afl
26.0151   20d w0gs       3a mo                     50n bs  bs    10 kd0afl
26.0201   10p n4n        3a ga                       5 tb  tb    30 kc0qlu
26.0205   10p kj4jc      1d tn                       5 tb  tb    31 kc0qlu
26.0213   10p kr4z       3a nfl                      5 tb  tb    32 kc0qlu
26.0216   15p na5nn      3a ms                       5 tb  tb    35 kc0qlu
26.0217   80d w8haw      1b oh                     50n bs  bs    11 kd0afl
26.0226   10p n4upx      1a ms                       5 tb  tb    36 kc0qlu
26.0227   40d k0gne      2a ne                     50n bs  bs    14 kd0afl
26.0235    6p ai5m       1a stx                      5 tb  tb    37 kc0qlu
26.0238   20p w7eca      2f mt                    100n ph  ch     5 kc0zyw
26.0257   40d w8hhf      6a oh                     50n bs  bs    15 kd0afl
26.0314   40d k9hc       3a in                     50n bs  bs    16 kd0afl
26.0318   40d w8sai      3a oh                     50n bs  bs    17 kd0afl
26.0323   40d wj5j       4a ntx                    50n bs  bs    18 kd0afl
26.0334   40d w0lb       3a ks                     50n bs  bs    19 kd0afl
26.0400   20p ac5o       1d la                    100n ph  ch     6 kc0zyw
26.0400   20p v7pce      2a bc                    100n ph  ch     7 kc0zyw
26.0408   20p n7tt       1d wa                    100n ph  ch     8 kc0zyw
26.0419   40d n0jdc      1b co                     50n bs  bs    20 kd0afl
26.1238   40d w0a        3a mo                     50n bs  bs    21 kd0afl
26.1240   40d w0hf       6a az                     50n bs  bs    22 kd0afl
26.1247   40d w8cdz      6a mi                     50n bs  bs    23 kd0afl
26.1252   40d ki4hus     2f ky                     50n bs  bs    24 kd0afl
26.1255   40d w0vfw      1a co                     50n bs  bs    25 kd0afl
26.1320   15d wd9ftz     1e oh                     50n bs  bs    26 kd0afl
26.1322   15d n2ll       3a eny                    50n bs  bs    27 kd0afl
26.1324   15d k8hrc      3a mi                     50n bs  bs    28 kd0afl
26.1326   15d ve3yra     5a on                     50n bs  bs    29 kd0afl
26.1328   15d w5tcr      5a ms                     50n bs  bs    30 kd0afl
26.1330   15d k4ogb      1a nc                     50n bs  bs    33 kd0afl
26.1336   15d k1fc       3a ct                     50n bs  bs    34 kd0afl
26.1338   15d wa3com     5a wpa                    50n bs  bs    35 kd0afl
26.1340   15d n8nc       5a oh                     50n bs  bs    36 kd0afl
26.1341   15d wd8ebs     1d oh                     50n bs  bs    37 kd0afl
26.1347   15d w4ucj      4f ga                     50n bs  bs    38 kd0afl
26.1350   15d w4nh       3a ga                     50n bs  bs    39 kd0afl
26.1402   15d w3ao       25a mdc                   50n bs  bs    40 kd0afl
26.1408   15d w5wq       2a ms                     50n bs  bs    41 kd0afl
26.1410   15d w8mrm      2a mi                     50n bs  bs    42 kd0afl
26.1415   15d w1bim      6a wma                    50n bs  bs    43 kd0afl
26.1416   10p kd0mxt     3a co                       5 tb  tb    38 kc0qlu
26.1418   10p kd8oyl     1e oh                       5 tb  tb    39 kc0qlu
26.1426   10p w8id       3a oh                       5 tb  tb    40 kc0qlu
26.1432   10p k8cy       3a oh                       5 tb  tb    41 kc0qlu
26.1439   10p kb8u       1e mi                       5 tb  tb    42 kc0qlu
26.1549   20p w1op       3a ri                    100n ph  ch     9 kc0zyw
26.1550   20p w9ldx      1a in                    100n ph  ch    10 kc0zyw
26.1551   20p ab7nk      1e az                     100 tb  tb   122 kc0qlu
26.1552   15d aa9uf      2e il                     50n bs  bs    44 kd0afl
26.1552   20p k1dw       1e la                     100 rs  tb   125 kc0qlu
26.1552   20p n4fr       3f tn                       5 rs  tb    49 kc0qlu
26.1552   20p n8cv       4e oh                     100 rs  tb   127 kc0qlu
26.1553   20p n4ne       4a ga                       5 rs  tb    50 kc0qlu
26.1553   20p n8rd       2a la                       5 rs  tb    51 kc0qlu
26.1553   20p w1aw       4f ct                       5 rs  tb    52 kc0qlu
26.1554   15d ve3lsr     5d on                     50n bs  bs    45 kd0afl
26.1554   20p n2bj       5e il                       5 rs  tb    57 kc0qlu
26.1554   20p w0md       3a oh                       5 rs  tb    53 kc0qlu
26.1554   20p w4odc      5a ga                       5 rs  tb    56 kc0qlu
26.1554   20p w7zrc      3a ut                       5 rs  tb    54 kc0qlu
26.1554   20p w9fk       2a wi                       5 rs  tb    55 kc0qlu
26.1555   10p k9gxu      3a il                     100 rs  tb   120 kc0qlu
26.1555   20p k2aa       2a snj                      5 rs  tb    63 kc0qlu
26.1555   20p n4fox      3f tn                       5 rs  tb    58 kc0qlu
26.1555   20p w1ee       3a ct                       5 rs  tb    60 kc0qlu
26.1555   20p w4dxa      3e sc                       5 rs  tb    64 kc0qlu
26.1555   20p w4yk       3a nc                       5 rs  tb    62 kc0qlu
26.1555   20p w9lo       5a wi                       5 rs  tb    59 kc0qlu
26.1556   20p k4gso      5d fl                       5 rs  tb    65 kc0qlu
26.1556   20p k5uhf      3a stx                      5 rs  tb    67 kc0qlu
26.1556   20p w0ef       3a mn                       5 rs  tb    68 kc0qlu
26.1556   20p w0gp       2a mn                       5 rs  tb    69 kc0qlu
26.1556   20p w9pm       6a wi                       5 rs  tb    66 kc0qlu
26.1557   20p na5nn      3a ms                       5 rs  tb    70 kc0qlu
26.1558   20p k5dx       1a stx                      5 rs  tb    74 kc0qlu
26.1558   20p kc7z       5a wa                       5 rs  tb    73 kc0qlu
26.1558   20p n6ipd      2a ca                       5 rs  tb    71 kc0qlu
26.1558   20p n6jw       1d ca                       5 rs  tb    75 kc0qlu
26.1558   20p w6trw      6a lax                      5 rs  tb    72 kc0qlu
26.1559   15d k0rv       3a co                     50n bs  bs    46 kd0afl
26.1559   20p k6aa       4a lax                      5 rs  tb    79 kc0qlu
26.1559   20p k6son      2a ca                       5 rs  tb    76 kc0qlu
26.1559   20p w5zdn      2a ntx                      5 rs  tb    77 kc0qlu
26.1559   20p wa6khk     1a ca                       5 rs  tb    78 kc0qlu
26.1600   20p k3mjw      4e pa                       5 rs  tb    82 kc0qlu
26.1600   20p kh6j       2a pac                      5 rs  tb    83 kc0qlu
26.1600   20p np2x       1e vi                       5 rs  tb    80 kc0qlu
26.1600   20p w6ara      4a ca                       5 rs  tb    81 kc0qlu
26.1601   20p kf5cso     1d tx                       5 rs  tb    86 kc0qlu
26.1601   20p w1dxa      2a oh                       5 rs  tb    87 kc0qlu
26.1601   20p w3ao       25a mdc                     5 rs  tb    84 kc0qlu
26.1601   20p w4jj       4a ga                       5 rs  tb    85 kc0qlu
26.1602   20p k4bft      4a al                       5 rs  tb    88 kc0qlu
26.1602   20p n8cb       4e oh                       5 rs  tb    90 kc0qlu
26.1602   20p w0dk       2a co                       5 rs  tb    91 kc0qlu
26.1602   20p w8kf       3f oh                       5 rs  tb    89 kc0qlu
26.1603   15d kb5mar     2f ntx                    50n bs  bs    47 kd0afl
26.1603   20p k5tyr      2a tx                       5 rs  tb    92 kc0qlu
26.1603   20p k8es       4a ont                      5 rs  tb    95 kc0qlu
26.1603   20p ve3ow      5a ont                      5 rs  tb    93 kc0qlu
26.1603   20p w5ct       1e tx                       5 rs  tb    94 kc0qlu
26.1603   20p w5ok       5a ok                       5 rs  tb    96 kc0qlu
26.1604   10p k0dca      2a mo                       5 rs  tb   104 kc0qlu
26.1604   10p w5l        2f tx                     100 rs  tb   118 kc0qlu
26.1604   10p wa1dbr     1d ar                       5 rs  tb   102 kc0qlu
26.1604   20p w8o        5a oh                       5 rs  tb    97 kc0qlu
26.1607   10p ka6zk      2a oh                     100 rs  tb   109 kc0qlu
26.1607   10p w0au       5a mo                     100 rs  tb   110 kc0qlu
26.1608   10p k9jq       3a il                     100 rs  tb   113 kc0qlu
26.1608   10p kx9dx      1d il                     100 rs  tb   114 kc0qlu
26.1608   10p n9iz       3a in                     100 rs  tb   115 kc0qlu
26.1608   10p w0ky       2a ne                     100 rs  tb   112 kc0qlu
26.1608   10p w8fy       4f oh                     100 rs  tb   111 kc0qlu
26.1617   20d n9ko       1d il                     50n bs  bs    48 kd0afl
26.1622   20d n0ma       3a va                     50n bs  bs    49 kd0afl
26.1637   20d w3vpr      10a mdc                   50n bs  bs    51 kd0afl
26.1637   20d wd5hni     1d stx                    50n bs  bs    50 kd0afl
26.1639   20d w5vgr      1d stx                    50n bs  bs    52 kd0afl
26.1641   20d w5bbs      8a ok                     50n bs  bs    53 kd0afl
26.1643   20d kb5fio     1b stx                    50n bs  bs    54 kd0afl

Field Day Pics

June 30th, 2011 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments

Field Day

June 24th, 2011 | Field Day | 0 Comments

Field Day is tomorrow, June 25 2011 at the Plattsburg Fire Station, 105 Bush St. Plattsburg, MO.  Setup will begin at approximately 10am with the event begining at 12pm and running for 24 hours.

Our group uses fdlog for logging during the event. FDLog can be downloaded here: fdlog2011. FDLog requires python 2.7 to run. It can be downloaded here: http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7/python-2.7.msi The software will run on linux, mac, or windows. The software communicates via wifi with other computers on the same network allowing everyone using the software to see what bands others in the group are operating on, and the number of contacts have been made.

All are invited. We hope to see everyone there.

4-H Ham Radio Demonstration

June 15th, 2011 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments

Trevor Black, along with Bob and Linda Pugh, took time on Tuesday, June 14 to teach the Plattsburg Pioneers 4-H group about Ham Radio and its importance to emergency management. The 4-Hers were allowed to talk on the radio and check out the equipment. Several of the parents were also interested in learning more about Ham Radio.

New Members! and Monthly Meeting

June 8th, 2011 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments

The NWMO ARES® Group has 5 new members. They filled out the membership form on our site so please feel free to contact them and welcome them to the group.

As a reminder our Monthly meeting is this Saturday at the Cameron Public Safety building 9am.
We will get our Field Day plans done and discuss some revenue items as well.

Hope to see you there!

ICS-213/Radiogram Hybrid Form

May 19th, 2011 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments

I am posting a pdf of a hybrid ICS-213 / Radiogram form.  It includes a radiogram header with an ICS-213 form. An ICS-213 is a standard format used for message traffic during emergency situations. This form was created by an ARES Group in Ohio. ICS213-ARRL. A fillable word document follows from the Hillsburough County New Hampshire ARES. ICS213/Radiogram – Fillable

Tower Work Saturday 5/14/2011

May 9th, 2011 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments

As long as the weather holds we will be taking down the old antenna and hard line and installing new antenna and hard line. We will need ground crew to assist so if you are available then immediately following our monthly meeting the work will begin. Approx. 10:30am.

Lightning Wipes out Repeater

April 17th, 2011 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments

The Plattsburg repeater 146.895 was hit by lightning on April 3rd. All activity will be on the KB0ALL repeater until further notice. KB0ALL is on a frequency of 147.390 pl 146.2. We will still link into the N0SWP repeater on a frequeny of 442.675+ pl 127.3. If you would like to assist the group with getting the repeater back up and going please join the group or contact KC0QLUat nwmoares.org.