Our group was approved to purchase a Yaesu System Fusion repeater as part of their promotional event. We should have the new repeater in the next couple months as Yaesu is on a backlog with this program. This new repeater will do both C4FM DIGITAL, and analog so no one will have to change their radio setup to use the new repeater. For info visit YAESU website and look up System Fusion for details!
Reminder that the NWMO ARES® Group meets this Saturday 9 am at the Cameron Public Safety building.
Wishing everyone in the group a Safe and Happy New Year! Hope to see you at our January 10th meeting.
Here is the link to the contest information, the band has been doing pretty good the last few weeks so give it a try.
The NWMO ARES ® monthly meeting will be December 14TH, 7PM at Washington Street Grill Cameron, MO. Everyone is welcomed to come by and enjoy great fun and fellowship. Members and their families or anyone interested in ham radio is invited. We have reserved the meeting room which holds approx. 30 people.
Please RSVP as soon as possible so we make sure we have enough room for everyone. kc0qlu(at)nwmoares(dot)org.
The monthly meeting for the group will be in Hamilton MO at the Show Me Machine Works building on the west side of town on business 36. 716 W. Berry.
This month the group will be building Bud-Pole and Bud-Stick portable antennas.
For those that signed up please bring your $30 for supplies.If you didn’t sign up but want to make one just bring the money with you, we should have enough supplies left over for a couple extra antennas.
This weekend Oct.18th 2014 the NWMO ARES Group will be assisting Grundy Co. EMA with communications and being eyes and ears throughout the day during the parade and Flea Markets and band competitions. If you are able to assist we are looking for operators from 7a-11a and again 11a-4p. Iy you can make it out bring your handheld and safety vest and plan on eating a lot of good food. This is a fun event with very little stress. If you have an APRS capable radio that would be great but not necessary.
See you there!
Reminder that our regular monthly meeting is being replaced by the annual Walk for HD event happening in Liberty MO Oct 11th 7 am at the Liberty Community Center. Please arrive by 7am to get location and communications setup. This year we expect over 200 walkers which is more than double the amount from last year. We also have the Cameron Venture Crew assisting as well so its goimg to be a busy morning. We will be using 146.55 simplex. Dress warm and be sure to wear your reflective vests.