Posts Tagged ‘tapatalk’

Major Overhaul of Forums (Semi) Complete

June 27th, 2013 | Website / Forums | 0 Comments

forumscreengAfter many hours of work, the forums have been successfully converted to phpbb. In addition, the forum install has been integrated into wordpress with WP-United, and tapatalk has been installed and activated.

This means you can now access our forums from your mobile device via the free tapatalk app.

These changes were made to improve our neglected, and seldom used forums, with the hopes that they will find more use within the group in this format. The prior install, simple|press was difficult to maintain, and while reliable, was somewhat cumbersome to administer. PHPBB is a proven forum platform that is both open-source and secure. It supports some of the largest forums on the internet with ease. I was able to import all prior forums, posts, and users. Your website login and password will allow you to login to the forums, and if I can get the intergration tweeks worked out, will authenticate one login to both systems.

So, without further gilding the lily, I present to you our new and improved forums:

Let me know what you think, if you find anything that is broken, or if you have suggested improvements.

73 ~ Blair